Wednesday, March 19, 2008

flowers-still life

This is the finished piece after, trying my textural technique. I painted on all sides of the canvas so it doesn't have to be framed.

This is the front view of this painting, I'm thinking of titling it the bee. My next piece is I'm going to try have a frieze effect, probably using molding paste

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I'm working on this for a competition on and I really it looks interesting to me.

The first stage I drew the painting onto canvas, and laid in the underpainting.

In this stage I layed down stronger colors and values to create the tone and mood of the painting. The right side of the kettle doesn't look symmetrical to me and that will be fixed by the next post.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

flower-still life

I've been working a set of still life images. They are 6 x 6 inches and I'm exploring new styles and textures of paintings. I'm using acrylic for now and I will try oils on a smaller scale when I get to use these media again. This is a further search to find my creative voice.

This is the first stage where I laid out the color and values.

This the second stage, where I began using a medium from Liquitex called Pumice Stone, I used it to bring out the texture of the flowers in the background more into the foreground. I want it touchable. Almost like a frieze. However I don't want to overwork the painiting since it's so small with textures.

I'm getting to the finishing stages of this painting. It's turning out really well. I want to add more color to the leaves, they look kind of dull and I will finish the flower on the top. I like how some of the flowers go off the page and guides the eye front to back and right to left. I tried to create a triangular composition, Hopefully it was achieved.