Tuesday, April 22, 2008

red stripes finally finished

I finally finished candystripes, but I decided to rename it red stripes, since I thought about it one day. I realized there are no pieces of candy anywhere in this painting. So why am I calling it candystripes? I think it turned out pretty great. It's been a while since i used red in acrylics and I realized why I don't, it comes out so patchy!!! Thank god for gloss gel. I would have pulled my hair out. I posted it on wetcanvas since technically I was a month late. I'm working on my deadlines. Using my time wisely and learning time management, constant life struggle of mine.

morning glory finished

I decided to add water droplets, to the flower... The center could be better, but I think I've done the best I could do with this painting. Imagine when I take on these further projects with oil, cant wait ... I got my liquin and I'm ready to roll stay posted on my latest pieces, guys.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

morning glory phase 2

I made the petals more distinct and then I worked on the center a little more using soft white. I'm not in love with the way the stamen is turning out, so I'm going to put an a glaze of violet over the rest of the painting excluding the stamen and see how it looks to me.

morning glory phase 1

I just started this painting two days ago and this is what I have done so far. It's acrylic on 6 inches X 6 inches gallery canvas. I used gloss gel medium on this to make the painting go on the canvas more smoothly. I hate that patchy look I was getting when I was painting the reds in candy stripes because it was drying so fast. With the gloss gel it made the consistency of the paint more fluid and a better glaze also it slowed down the drying time a bit. Like liquin with oil paints.

This is the side view of the piece. I like the feeling that the painting never truly ends. That it continues into it's environment.

stripes-almost done

This is almost done. For the wetcanvas competition I'm in. I still need to work on the reds of the stripes...it looks so patchy it's driving me nuts and the right handle needs to be tweaked, as well as the apple.